About Me

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Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Day Was One Hour / My Hour Was One Day.

Why us, Moon?

Shroud yo' way.

Yo! My hoar was nude!

She do you many war.

Anyhow ... Use dry Mao.

On you, we'd say harm.

"Oh My!"
"Aye. War Sound"

Harmony as you wed.

No word muse (yay...)

Humor Won, Easy Day
Yes / No?
(Ha. Am wordy)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


You know, I look out at this world and see all of the 'happiness and love' that radiates within and outward from the people within my physical sphere.

Then I look at the percentage of this 'happiness and love' per person ratio, and realise that a vast majority of it seems to have an initial starting point: stemming from ME.

So then what I see, is that the laws of karma itself are (for lack of a better and less annoyed word) FUCKED, which in turn leads me to question the very basis of my inherit, ongoing self-detrimental 'happiness and love' theory in the first place.

If I were to give and give and give a damn about specific, physical, spherical people a million times over - there's always going to be some recipients who are so slow and early in their current cycle of this "universe" (or physiological matter of their ultimate ending-intentions, this time around) that won't ever return it.

Logic dictates that I should still continue nonetheless with this, or at the very least tolerate it. But what seems to happen lately, is that due to the large, empty, gaping hole that life's unfortunate turn of events has given me the experience of: those people who don't give a shit WON'T give a shit for the rest of our shared cycle anyway.
-My whole energy and being is becoming deflated.

Whether or not I procure people a 'ticket' to share an experience with years ago, or whether I do it now; I can not possibly do anything but offer it with my love.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Too Many Birds


If you...

If you could...

If you could only...

If you could only stop...

If you could only stop your...

If you could only stop your heart...

If you could only stop your heart beat...

If you could only stop your heart beat for...

If you could only stop your heart beat for one...

If you could only stop your heart beat for one heart...

If you could only stop your heart beat for one heart beat.

You fly all night to sleep on stone,

To return to the tree with

Too many birds,

Too many birds,

Too many birds.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

This Past Week

So, over the last week I've done and seen some many things which have actually, as minor as they may be and sound, have really been quite life changing.

Getting out of my city and my everyday life has opened my one-track eyes onto other parts of this world and made me realise that even though I strive day to day to make a happy home for myself, my daughter and my family + friends, there is still so much more I can and chould be doing to better the way I live and play my part.

There are a handful of people reading this blog, and no doubt if you are then there is a 99% chance you even know me, and know me quite well at that too.

If there's one thing I say at the moment, then let it be this - forget your money, forget your power plays and position at work, forget the mundane bullshit that exists in this world.

Politics, capitalism, pigeon-holing, undermining, authoritarianism: don't deal with that crap.

Listen, look, feel and think to the greater scope of what exists (and existed) in this universe, and the meanings behind it.

More to come when coherency returns.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Anyone For Lemonade

You've got a lot of nerve

To say you are my friend

When I was down

You just stood there grinning

You've got a lot of nerve

To say you got a helping hand to lend

You just want to be on

The side that's winning

You say I let you down

You know it's not like that

If you're so hurt

Why then don't you show it

You say you lost your faith

But that's not where it's at

You had no faith to lose

And you know it

I know the reason

That you talk behind my back

I used to be among the crowd

You're in with

Do you take me for such a fool

To think that I'd make contact

With the one who tries to hide

What he don't know to begin with

You see me on the street

You always act surprised

You say, "How are you?" "Good luck"

But you don't mean it

When you know as well as me

You'd rather see me paralyzed

Why don't you just come out once

And scream it

No, I do not feel that good

When I see the heartbreaks you embrace

If I was a master thief

Perhaps I'd rob them

And now I know you're dissatisfied

With your position and your place

Don't you understand

It's not my problem

I wish that for just one time

You could stand inside my shoes

And just for that one moment

I could be you

Yes, I wish that for just one time

You could stand inside my shoes

You'd know what a drag it is

To see you

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Scream A Symphony / Screen My Sin For Me

How does it feel like to wake up in the sun?

How does it feel like to shine on everyone?

How does it feel like to let forever be?

How does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

How does it feel like to sail in on the breeze?

How does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

How does it feel like to make it happen here?

How does it feel like to breathe with everything?

How does it feel like to let forever be?

How does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

How does it feel like to be a crystal fiend?

How does it feel like to spend a little lifetime sitting in the gutter?

Scream a symphony.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


So here's just one piece I've done recently.
Born + bred out of boredom.
I think I'd like to be more bored more frequently.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

"The Tower Card"

"The Tower Card first and foremost illustrates that neither physical nor emotional structures that we build are permanent and stable, and instead they can be destroyed suddenly, thereby initiating change that we tried to avoid. The sudden change resembled by the crumbling tower reminds us of letting go of an illusion, an unhealthy relationship, an old way of life. The sudden change frees us to face the unknown, frees us to move forward instead of stagnate, frees us from social conventions and enlightens us on our path so that we reach a new level of understanding about our purpose in life. Not embracing the inevitable change brings out the negative elements that the Tower also depicts, being struck down by one's own doing, by vanity and the inability to change so that one remains stagnant."

The Tower

Countless facets hide behind
My pure and classy face.
Each of which in need to unwind
But frozen still in disgrace.

Unpolished beauty lies within
A truth too great to deny.
Waiting for destiny to take a spin
And end my two faced lie.

My soul is filled with power
Emotions stream from angelic voice.
Attempting ever to reach The Tower
Believing I have a choice.

So spread my wings; I won't look back
I'll think only of my heart.
Wisdom will shield me from attack
It's time for my journey to start.


There may or may not be a specific someone who has led me back to my blog.
This specific someone may or may not realise it.
At the very least, this specific someone is surely not going to read and relay this as a "pacific" someone, which suits me juuuuuuuuust fine.